
Source Interlink Companies Inc. Goes Private

Source Interlink Companies Inc., one of the largest publishers of magazines and online content for enthusiast audiences and a leading distributor of DVDs, CDs, magazines, video games and books announced it has reached a restructured agreement with its lenders to eliminate approximately $1 billion dollars of existing debt and privatize the company. Under the agreement, the company’s lenders will cancel nearly $1 billion of the company’s existing debt and provide approximately $100 million in additional liquidity. Source Interlink, in agreement with its lenders, will pay all of its vendors in full and on time if they agree to maintain current credit and payment terms.

To facilitate the restructuring, the company filed a lender-approved pre-packaged Plan of Reorganization under Chapter 11 in the U.S. Bankruptcy Code. The company anticipates it will emerge within 35 days.

Source Interlink Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Greg Mays said, “We couldn’t be more pleased. This restructuring will materially reduce our interest expense and debt levels, substantially improve free cash flow and allow us to capitalize on several operational opportunities to further improve and grow our business. Current management will remain in place, daily operations will continue as usual and our employees will continue to do what they do best—provide exceptional service to our customers. Importantly, all of our vendors will be paid in full for both pre-petition and ongoing charges according to our terms of trade. It’s business as usual at Source Interlink” Mays added.

Source’s business partners support the restructuring as well. Bob Castardi, president of Curtis Circulation Company said, “The Curtis Circulation Company is very encouraged about being a valued trading partner. Source Interlink Companies’ reorganization will reduce any concerns going forward as to their financial stability. We at Curtis embrace the fact Source got out in front of this!” Michael Sullivan, CEO of CMG, a national distributor of Source stated, “When Source presented their reorganization plan in detail, we were very relieved to understand the huge debt write-off. This will allow CMG to move forward with new initiatives knowing that Source Interlink Companies will be in a very favorable financial position.” As a result of this agreement, Source Interlink has cancelled its investor call previously scheduled for May 1, 2009.

For more information about the reorganization, go to and click on the Reorganization Information tab.