
Battle of the Pint-Sized Pinewoods Returns

Make plans now to enter the second annual SEMA Pinewood Drag Race. Though the races aren’t until the first Saturday in August—coinciding with the 2009 SEMA Installation Banquet & Gala Fundraiser, August 1, in Pasadena, California—defending champs and runners-up from last year will want to waste no time tweaking for valuable tenths of a second.

If you didn’t race last year, this is a great opportunity to participate for a great cause. Proceeds from the races benefit Childhelp USA and Victory Junction Gang Camp. Builders/racers can choose one of three classes: Stock, Modified or Unlimited.

No time to build a car? Can't attend? No problem. You can also sponsor a child from Childhelp or Victory Junction Gang Camp to build a car and have a driver assigned to race it on the child's behalf. 

Click here to learn more about entry, classes and sponsorship.

To see a list of last year’s top racers (and develop your strategy accordingly), click here.