1984 SEMA Hall Of Fame Inductee

Jim Deist
Deist Safety Equipment
If it weren’t for Jim’s dedication, drivers in racing wouldn’t be “wrapped” in the safety of foolproof fire-protection garments. Deist is a leader in the science of protective fabrics for driving suits, gloves and footwear, and Jim is an expert in the design of chutes used for slowing down dragsters. Jim is credited with designing and implementing the first "drag chute" for safely stopping cars at speed, and is said to be responsible for the earliest firesuits and masks that kept race car drivers safe. As a founding member of SEMA, Jim helped to establish the "Meets SFI Specs" programs. His accomplishments have placed him in the Dry Lakes Hall of Fame, CHRR Hall of Fame and Dry Lakes Racing Hall of Fame, and he is a Bonneville 200 MPH Club honoree, among other accolades.