Written By: Todd Steen
Everyone knows digital has become important in the marketing mix, but no one anticipated the massive acceleration that COVID would offer us last year. For instance, U.S. adult media consumption increased more than an hour a day last year, with nearly half of that being on smartphones. Combine that with the cancellation of live events and the increase in time spent at home, and you have a perfect storm for digital marketing. In 2021, brands need to think digital first, in both consumer and B2B marketing.
Look at your website – is the content fresh and the technology optimized? Are you reaching your target audiences with digital ads, online content and social media? And what about personal interaction and events? COVID is probably here for the rest of the year, so how are you using video and digital events to replace in-person contact?
While your competitors are waiting for things to return to normal, take advantage of the shifting landscape to grow your customer-base and position your business for future growth.
Todd Steen,
Jackson Marketing Group, WTC Chair-Elect