With a focus on advancing the careers of women in the automotive aftermarket, the SBN is excited to announce three seminars taking place at the 2018 SEMA Show. 

To register to attend these events please visit the SEMA Show Education Site.

10/29/18: 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM - Room N264                                         

WOMEN ONLY: Gear Up Girl Networking Event, powered by SBN              

Calling Female Professionals: The SEMA Businesswoman’s Network (SBN) will again host the Gear-up Girl Networking event at this year’s SEMA Show. Started in 2011, as part of the SEMA Education student program, Gear-up Girl is designed to connect female students with industry leading female professionals. Join us for this dynamic mixer that brings together generations of female professionals.


10/30/18: 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM - Room N253

Women Only: Body Politics-The Nonverbal Differences between Men and Women, powered by SBN        

In this program you’ll learn about the power differential—the effect of gender-based listening modes, subtle differences in everything from smiles and eye contact to space and touching, and the new rules of business etiquette for old standards like handshakes and greetings and pats on the back. Body Politics is an eye-opening, ear-widening, “Aha!” experience.


10/31/18: 2:15 PM - 3:15 PM - Room N254

Women Only: Good Enough Now: Women at Work, powered by SBN      

In a sea of mixed messages, we find our self lost between impossible expectations, frustrating people, and little room for creativity and humility – we need to hold space for reclaiming self responsibility, trying, connecting, so we can do the best we can with what we have some of the time instead of striving for perfection or just opting out under pressure.