Do you know a woman in the automotive industry who deserves to be recognized for her accomplishments? The SBN is excited to announce that our network has expanded our SheIsSEMA campaign to include the option to nominate a colleague.
While all SBN members are still invited to submit a self-nomination, you can now nominate a colleague who is an SBN member and highlight how she is contributing to the specialty-equipment industry. We’ll ask you a few questions about your nominee and ask for a headshot of her to be featured.
All SheIsSEMA candidates are automatically eligible to be considered for SBN’s “#SheIsSEMA Woman of the Year” award presented at SBN’s reception during the annual SEMA Show.
Submit a SheIsSEMA spotlight application for either yourself or a colleague, and join the SBN in raising awareness of the talented women in the industry and career possibilities for women in the future.