Below is an excerpt from the PRO Sales Training Manual that outlines an important trait of being a good sales rep – getting to know your customers. Email Denise Waddingham for your copy of the entire handbook, available for free to PRO members.
"Call it getting acquainted or relationship-selling, savvy sales professionals know that customer rapport leads to long-term relationships. In fact, relationship-selling is an essential part of the sales process. It's the glue that holds a relationship together. And it's up to you and your sales team to establish rapport with your dealers, because more sales are made with friendship than with salesmanship.
Relationship-selling doesn't just happen. You need to invest time in learning as much as possible about your customer and his or her needs, and on delivering post-sale customer service. So it stands to reason that the best place to start is with some common ground. Look around the dealer's or the manager's office. Perhaps you'll see family photos taken on a fishing or camping trip. Maybe there's a trophy earned in a bowling, tennis or golf tournament. Whatever it is, there's bound to be something that reflects the dealer's or the manager's personal interests, hobby or lifestyle. Ask questions, start a conversation that's related to what you see. Put the dealer at ease, and you will likely spark a conversation that has little to do with selling and a lot to do with bonding.
Once you've established a relationship with a dealer, feed it—literally. Ask to host a sales meeting and bring breakfast or lunch. Work with the dealer or manager to develop an incentive program that compensates sales staff and motivates them to sell accessories."
The PRO Sales Training Manual is used as the foundation of the SEMA Accessory Sales Professional Exam, which PRO members can take to prove their expertise and set themselves apart from competitors.
Learn more about the manual and exam at this link.