The PRO Volunteer Spotlight program recognizes members of the restyling community who continue to ensure the growth and prosperity of vehicle accessorization, while fostering better relationships with vehicle dealers and automakers for their business or company. Introduced last month, the program has already recognized Donna Wagner of D.M. Wagner & Associates / ASE Education Foundation, Lucas Frank of Brandmotion, and Josh Poulson of Auto Additions Inc. for their accomplishments and contributions to the industry.
Through their spotlights, they have exchanged ideas for becoming more actively involved in PRO, and shared personal stories on their career journey through the dynamic restyling industry.
“In addition to providing members with year-round networking and educational opportunities, the Volunteer Spotlight Program is a fantastic segue for PRO members to share their voice and get to know other individuals in the truck and off-road community,” said PRO Director Denise Waddingham. “All PRO member company employees are invited to apply and be recognized.”
Fill out this form for the chance to be featured as a PRO Volunteer Spotlight Member.