The SEMA Scholarship Program provides more than just money for students. MPMC member company employees with outstanding student loans may qualify to have their debts reduced, through the SEMA Loan Forgiveness Program. Applications are open at to eligible individuals who have minimum of $2,000 in outstanding student loans.

"MPMC's primary objective is to provide meaningful solutions to industry-specific issues and challenges, thereby perpetuating the growth and prosperity of motorsports parts manufacturers," said MPMC Director Nicole Bradle. "Whether a loan was in connection to a degree or certification from a college, university, or tech school, the loan forgiveness program is a great member benefit to help MPMC member company employees in their career efforts."
To be eligible for loan forgiveness, individuals must be employed by a SEMA member business, demonstrate passion or the automotive hobby and career, and possess a degree or certificate from a college, university, or career tech school in the United States.
The deadline to apply is March 1 at Questions can be directed to Chris Standifer, SEMA Project Manager, Recognition Programs at, 909-978-6692.