Want to use your expertise to give back to the motorsports parts manufacturing market?
MPMC subcommittees have open volunteer positions that can really benefit from your participation! Volunteering requires minimal time (as little as one hour per month), and it's a great way to get involved and make a difference in the industry. Reach out to MPMC Director Marcy Yanus at marcy@sema.org to express your interest. Some opportunities available are:
- Communications: We all know that good communication is essential for success. If you’re a writer, marketing guru or social media influencer (okay – just a social media user is great), this subcommittee can use your help.
- Events: Join the Events Subcommittee if you enjoy hosting, planning or going to events!
- Membership: This subcommittee welcomes new members, spotlights current members and helps make sure MPMC is serving their Council members as best as possible.