FLN members with outstanding student loans may qualify to have their debts reduced through the SEMA Loan Forgiveness Program. Applications are open at www.sema.org/scholarships to eligible individuals who have a minimum of $2,000 in outstanding student loans.
"The current FLN membership roster represents some of the top technology, marketing and sales, operations, and executive minds in the automotive industry – many of whom got to where they are through the help of a college degree," said FLN Chair Denise Waddingham. "Whether a loan was in connection to a degree or certification from a college, university, or tech school, the loan forgiveness program is a great member benefit to help FLN members in their career efforts."
To be eligible for loan forgiveness, individuals must be employed by a SEMA member business, demonstrate passion for the automotive hobby and career, and possess a degree or certificate from a college, university, or career tech school in the United States.
The deadline to apply is March 1. For more information, contact Chris Standifer, SEMA Project Manager of Recognition Programs at chriss@sema.org, 909-978-6692.