FLN - Jake Hopkins is FLN’s newest member of the month


Jake Hopkins is FLN's newest member of the month. Hopkins is an FLN Select Committee member and the marketing director at FASS Diesel Fuel Systems, manufacturer of Fuel Air Separation Systems (FASS).

Get to know Hopkins in his interview with SEMA, below.

SEMA: What is the best advice you have ever received?
Jake Hopkins: The best advice I've ever received is, "Your circumstances are defined by your perspective." This advice changed my life both personally and professionally — knowing that any situation can be improved by a change in perspective. I cannot control everything in my life, but I can control how I think, behave, react, and take action.

SEMA: What keeps you in the industry?
JH: My passion for seeing the automotive lifestyle thrive for generations to come.

SEMA: Where can you be found on a Saturday?
JH: Detailing my Mustang or tinkering with my GX470 (I have a weakness for old 'Yotas).

SEMA: How do you prepare for an important meeting?
JH: I print physical copies of emails, notes, spreadsheets—anything important. I like to have all my information laid out in front of me.

SEMA: If you could go to lunch with one industry leader, living or dead, who it would be?
JH: I would love to sit down with Chip Foose and discuss how he navigated such an incredible career. From design to entrepreneurship, it would seem he's been successful in every venture—something rarely seen.

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