Daina Dalesandro is FLN's member of the month. Dalesandro works in customer relations at ORACLE Lighting. Learn about her career and what keeps her in the industry in her interview with SEMA below.
SEMA: What is the best advice you have ever received?
Daina Dalesandro: Success is not a destination; it's a journey. What matters is not where you are at the end, but what you accomplish while you are trying along the way. You always have room to grow and learn from others.
SEMA: What keeps you in the industry?
DD: The quality of people. I am constantly amazed by the never-ending cycle of inspiration.
SEMA: Where can you be found on a Saturday?
DD: Either working or playing volleyball.
SEMA: How do you prepare for an important meeting?
DD: The key to success is organization. I have everything I need to take notes as well as bring any topics or questions that I would like to address.
SEMA: If you could go to lunch with one industry leader, living or dead, who would it be?
DD: Mary Barra. She is the first female CEO of a major car company. It's such an amazing accomplishment, especially since this is assumed to be a male dominated industry. She has a great impact on women in this industry and is truly an inspiration.
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