The SEMA Future Leaders Network (FLN) has named Tucker Mathieson, chief operations officer at Revive Inc., as the network's newest spotlight member.
Get to know Mathieson in his interview with SEMA News below.
SEMA News: What is the best advice you have ever received?
Tucker Mathieson: "If you love what you do, then you will never work a day in your life." This is a statement that I used to want to believe but never thought it could be a reality. As I continued to follow my passions and be unapologetically myself, I, along with my father, were able to build a business around a shared passion for cars. Now I truly love what I do and because of that, I rarely tire of the work that I have to put in. Because I love what I do, I am able to cultivate a healthy balance between work and personal life due to the fact that they overlap in many facets of my life.
SN: What keeps you in the industry?
TM: When we started our family business back in 2017, it was a grind to say the least. I was in the "honeymoon phase," essentially, and I loved the work that we were doing, but it wasn't sustainable. Now that we have grown [into] a recognized small business in our local area, there are so many opportunities for both growth and connection. Being a family business, I am invested much [more] than I would be otherwise. But growing up with a passion for cars, I've found it easy to come to work every day and enjoy both the day-to-day fun of being around cars while also working to build a family legacy that can support us and our staff.
SN: Where can you be found on a Saturday?
TM: If I'm not at the shop, I can often be found at a car show enjoying the many different styles of builds our area has to show, or I'm on my motorcycle cruising along the coast.
SN: How do you prepare for an important meeting?
TM: I often don't prepare much--if at all--for an important meeting or presentation unless there are materials that need to be put together in advance. I am much more comfortable if I haven't stressed for days beforehand about getting everything perfect and would rather rely on my core knowledge of whatever subject I am there to discuss. I constantly strive to be prepared for the fact that I'm unprepared.
SN: If you could go to lunch with one industry leader, living or dead, who would it be?
TM: I've had many opportunities to share a meal with Renny Doyle in the detailing space and would always value another chance to pick his brain. He's outspoken, built his success from the beginning, and is [unapologetically] himself, which is a trait I am known for (sometimes to a fault). His insight has proven valuable time and time again in both life and business.
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