Laboratory tests for attaining an Executive Order (EO) from the California Air Resources Board (CARB) on an aftermarket product are both expensive and time consuming. However, other alternatives are available to speed up the calibration process and avoid costly failed lab tests.
These same tools can be added to most dyno shops to document the emissions impact of modifications and custom tuning.
During the ETTN webinar, "Bridging the Gap from 'Runs Good' to Emissions Compliance," on Tuesday, February 20, at 1:00 p.m. PST, emissions engineer, author and expert Greg Banish will discuss tools to use when working on a project that will eventually apply for CARB EO certification.
Attendees will learn about the tools and tactics used to deliver emissions-compliant performance calibrations, increasing the likelihood of passing an official emissions test on the first try, and therefore saving testing time and resources.
The presentation will benefit tuners and calibrators, dyno shop owners, tuning software company engineers and regulators. It presents attendees with a wide variety of tools and solutions used in emissions development and expert advice on avoiding common errors during the process.