Volunteers are critical to the success of ARMO and the automotive restoration industry. They are the leaders and changemakers who help develop meaningful programs for members, and in return, gain a lot through the process.

ARMO is currently seeking volunteers who wish to make an impact through the council's subcommittees. By volunteering just a couple hours a month, this is your opportunity to better understand the industry at large, make valuable business connections, develop personal friendships, and gain hands on experience with other members!
Subcommittee volunteers work directly with the ARMO Select Committee leadership and SEMA staff to execute year-round programs and benefits. Please contact Marcy Yanus at Marcy@sema.org to express interest in any of the following opportunities:
Hot Products Showcase subcommittee: A signature ARMO program takes place at the legendary Spring Carlisle event in PA. Volunteers will assist in the planning, set up, staffing, Hot Products Showcase display, voting and winners, and tear down. Meet a ton of new people, network and have fun supporting ARMO business owners.
Membership subcommittee: This subcommittee welcomes new members, spotlights current members and helps make sure ARMO is serving its council members as best as possible. The group meets virtually monthly to review its member roster, reach out to members up for renewal and remind current members of all the benefits of membership.
Communications subcommittee: We all know that effective communication is essential for success. If you're a writer, marketing guru, or social media influencer (okay – just a social media user is great), this subcommittee can use your help. Meetings are held virtually.